- Our outreach activities aim at improving the argumentative quality of public debates.
- Experts from DebateLab have been interviewed in Germany's top news broadcasts (heute journal and tagesschau).
- We have been collaborating with ZKM and Badisches Landesmuseum.
- We use our expertise in epistemology and argumentation theory to design and inform critical thinking teaching at universities and schools.
Blog "Streitkultur"
David Lanius has founded the Forum Streitkultur and is actively blogging about how to argue in a civilized and mutually beneficial way.
David's blog...
Fake News Book
David Lanius (KIT, DebateLab) and Romy Jaster (HU Berlin) have just published a new book on Fake News. See also this website for reviews and suppl. material.
Publisher's website...
Argument Analysis
Gregor Betz' new book introduces the art of argument analysis by example. It presents step-by-step analyses of three complex debates. For more info, check the supplementary website argumentationsanalyse.online.
Publisher's website
Christian Voigt has developed Argdown, a Markdown-inspired syntax for complex argumentation. Supplementary open-source tools support both informal argument mapping and sophisticated logical analysis (see also this recent example).