Advertisement of Two Positions (PhD/PostDoc)
The Institute of Philosophy at KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany) invites applications for two PhD/PostDoc positions.
What we search:
- PhD students and/or PostDocs interested in doing research in an environment that brings together diverse scholars who study (individual or collective, theoretical or practical) belief formation and reasoning, especially argumentation and controversy.
- Candidates are expected to be familiar with formal devices, while being open-minded towards a variety of classic and novel philosophical methods (from rational reconstruction to simulation).
What we offer:
- The Department of Philosophy @ KIT is a dynamic institution; 3 of the 6 professorships have been appointed in the last two years, a further one will be re-appointed soon. Being convinced that philosophy should engage with science and society, we maintain close cooperations with, e.g., computer scientists, economists, climatologists, biologists, and sociologists—within KIT as well as beyond.
- The positions advertised here will be associated with the just-established DebateLab, which offers a flexible platform and a constructive, encouraging environment for the candidates' future research projects.
- Successful candidates will be able (and are in fact strongly encouraged) to visit other academic institutions while being employed by KIT.
- Successful candidates can focus on doing research, having minimal teaching obligations (more teaching is optional); courses may be offered in English.
Renumeration and duration:
- Renumeration: 75% E13 TVL (ca. 1,650 EUR monthly net income, depending on taxes)
- Fixed term: 3 years, with the possibility to extend the contract by 2 further years
Info on Karlsruhe:
- Where is Karlsruhe?
- Living costs: You can rent an appartment for ca. 10EUR/m^2 & month in Karlsruhe (check out, for more info compare
- From Karlsruhe, it's 1h by train to Frankfurt, 3h to Paris, Zurich and Munich, and in ca. 5h, you're in Berlin or Amsterdam.
- For additional info, please check and!
Nest steps:
If you've any questions, don't hesitate to contact Gregor Betz <gregor.betz∂>. The official advertisements can be found here and here.
Please send your application – including CV, list of publications and brief research plan – to <gregor.betz∂> (as a single PDF file). Deadline: 17/3/2017.